Off-Site - WPWMA Tour (Lunch at the Dump)
Off-Site Meeting Location
Western Placer Waste Management Association
3195 Athens Ave, Lincoln, CA 95648
11:00 - 12:00 Tour
12:00 - 1:00 lunch and business meeting in WPWMA conference room
The Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) assists Placer County jurisdictions with achieving state mandated waste diversion goals while achieving an economy of scale for material diversion and providing uniformity in waste diversion and recycling programs. The MRF was designed and is operated to: 1) recover recyclable materials from mixed waste; 2) process green and wood wastes for composting or biomass; 3) receive and process source-separated recyclables, and 4) provide for receipt and recycling/disposal of HHW. Materials not recovered via MRF processing are disposed in the Western Regional Sanitary Landfill.