President Richard opened the meeting of June 13, 2024, with 28 members and 3 guests present. The flag salute was led by Julie Baird . Guests welcomed included Guest Speaker Terri Dorow, Janes Wedell and Bryan Acline.
Jan, Speaker Chair, thanked all the members that provided speakers for the meetings in 2023-2024. She passed out a sign up for members to provide speakers for 2024-2025.Paul reminded the club that he is stepping down from WCS leadership and someone is needed to volunteer to carry on.
Kris introduced Terri Dorow reviewing her extensive history as an elementary teacher, principal, and time spent in the District Office, serving as the Director of Educational Services. Terri was drawn to writing children's book because of her background in teaching and knowing that early age book reading leads to long term success. Her granddaughter Abby helped inspire the topics of the four books she brought and shared. The First book was titled Just Lo, a book about a child bullied for his name, and how he was able to handle that situation. Another book featured a story of a girl and her bunny that was inspired by her granddaughter's experience with a bunny much loved. This book focused on friendship and kindness. Terri shared how she was able to publish her books, and how and where she sells the beautifully illustrated books.
Many thanks to everyone who contributed ideas for this Bulletin, and to Jan for proofreading, and Bill for his awesome photos.
Birthdays and Anniversaries
in June
Andrea Flamenco: June 18
David Bonillo: June 21
Karen Johnson: June 28
Spouse/Partner Birthdays
The Colonel (Claire Luke): June18
Carol & Roy Abbanat, 60 years, June 20
Frank & Frances Neves, 60 years, June 20
John & Kathleen Quigley, 60 Years,
June 28
Phil & Carol Koenig,52 years, June 17
Mark & Holly Andreatta , 33 years,
June 15
John & Janice Fett, 16 years, June 7
Andrea & Raul Flamenco,16 years,
June 23
Dakota & Ari Spillers, 1 year, June 24
Rotary Join Anniversaries
Bill Laube, 41 years: June 1
Claire Luke, 30 years, June 1
Kristine Mollenkopf, 26 years, June 30
Joann Hilton, 20 years June 10
Speakers are an important part of our RCL meetings. We learn about issues and how we can help others locally and globally. If you would like to be a speaker or know of a speaker interested in making a difference, please contact and the information will be forwarded to the Speaker Chair.