Chiropractor and Wellness Doctor
My pre-chiropractic education began at UW-LaCrosse where I studied the basic sciences such as inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, biology, along with basic physiology and anatomy courses, as well as meeting my future wife, Michelle. After completing my study there, I was accepted at Northwestern College of Chiropractic in Bloomington, Minnesota.
During my four years at NWCC, courses included biochemistry, a major emphasis on anatomy and human physiology, X-ray, diagnosis, chiropractic adjusting techniques and patient care in the NWCC Public Clinic. After graduating in 1990, Michelle and I moved to the Sacramento suburb of Citrus Heights to complete my internship with Dr. Nelson in Granite Bay. I’ve worked with other chiropractors in their offices, but I prefer being “the Captain of my own ship.”
I love to share great information with people. I still remember thinking as I was learning in chiropractic college that if everybody knew what I was learning than everyone would want to see a chiropractor for improving their health. That’s why I make it a point to explain everything in advance, answer questions and attempt to over communicate through handouts, videos and our web site. I believe patients appreciate that. I want people to know that good health IS within your reach.